Splash zulu Black Head Boer Goats
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Sunset Farm's Boer Goats "Does" consist of Traditionals, Reds, Splash, Blacks and Black Head.
Our "Does" are produced naturally here at the farm. Occasionally we may add a select Doe to our herd.
Look up our goats by registration number here.

Herd of Does

We select our fine Doe based on their bloodline, conformation, maternal nature and hardiness. Does used to breed show-quality goats are normally very large, as show goats are expected to be of large stature.

SAFM New Day 2 - Full Blood
Sire: FSE 10380300 FSE
The Magic Chip; Dam: BBR 10183795 BBR See Me Now

New Day 2

Black Moon - Full Blood – Reg#10570229
Sire: MAXS 10472968 Max Boer Goats IMax 3-D ***ENNOBLED***
Dam: MAXS 10433029 Max Boer Goats Talk to the Moon

Black Moon Black Moon

Betty Boop - Full Blood
Sire: SER1 10474730 Star E Ranch Taboo; Dam: ROYR U-10513891 KH KELLEY

Betty Boop Betty Boop

Spot-On Luck - Full Blood
Sire: Maxs 10472968 Max Boer Goats Imax 3-D ***ENNOBLED***; Dam: TC1 10440595 TC1 W833

Spot-On Luck SpotOnLook

Dappled Hot Design - Full Blood – Reg#10539472
Sire: Maxs 10431404 Max Boer Goats Red Hot Dappled ***ENNOBLED***
Dam: MAXS10373733 Max Boer Goats Red Hot N Got Spots

Hot Design Hot Design

Francesca - Full Blood – Reg#10568127
Sire: SGR 10474417 SGR Polarized; Dam: BA 10504907 BA CSF Cat's Meow


Creek Rock Good Graces - Pure Bred _ Reg#10645213
Sire: SGR 10474417 SGR Polarized ***ENNOBLED*** 5/2012
Dam: BA 10504907 BA CFS Cat's Meow

Buttercup - Pure Bred - Reg#10605996
Sire: SGR 10474417 SGR Polarized ***ENNOBLED*** 5/2012
Dam: BA 10534859 BA CSF Winter's Joy


Arbutus - Pure Bred - Reg#10577094
Sire: NUSAA 10457072 NUSAA Mr Spock; Dam: HPF 10427590 Hill Place Lady Sanford


Clara - Pure Bred - Reg#10651882
Sire: SGR 10559254 SGR Cat's Painted Dude; Dam: SLPT 10535633 SL Pine Tree Cream


Patsy Cline - Pure Bred - Reg#10497103
Sire: HPF 10282620 Hill Place Macho Mike; Dam: HPF 10316308 Hill Place Lady Holly


Recent additions to our "Does", as we are always enhancing our herd

What Bling (Full Blood)

Lazy What Bling

Lazy What Bling

CJB1 Caped Lady (Full Blood)

Clever Charade (Full Blood)

Clever Charade

Exposed to buck:
SAF23 Stone Cobra

Lazy Y072 (Full Blood)

Lazy S-T Y072

Little Rocky (Full Blood)

Cherries Jubilee (Full Blood)



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